
Hang Time

It's been a few months since I've posted. I don't have an excuse that my life is too busy or that I forgot. Taking time away from this blog was important to focus on "me time" and it seems to be a reflection of what is going on with me in my "real life".

So many times in my life I kept pushing through things that I absolutely hated because, well, it seemed like the right thing do; the responsible thing to do; the mature thing to do. Life seemed to be sour each year with the realization that I seemed to be going down a path that wasn't really making me happy. I filled it with work and when I wasn't working, I wasn't doing anything that had caught my interest years before. So I did the unthinkable; I quit.

Sooo, on the flip side of quitting:

I was unsure if it was the right thing to do; the responsible thing to do; or the mature thing to do. But, as you can imagine, my life has seemed to brighten each month with the realization that I am going down a path that is not a dead-end, or as the french say, a cul-de-sac :)

I have spent a lot of time reading books, listening to podcasts, going to church, getting connected within the community, and picking up my camera once more. I haven't had severe anxiety like I have had in the past because I have used this time to rest.

I know what you are probably thinking, "rest?! How can you rest? Aren't you wondering what you are going to do with your life now that you aren't working?"

The answer: Heck yes! I wonder, but wondering doesn't solve anything. I have used this time to rest in the Word, to rest in Him who gives me strength. He has reminded me over and over that if I abide in Him then He will abide in me.

I was an unhappy person. I wasn't a thankful person. I put on a good face (sometimes), but in reality I had a really ugly soul. I can't imagine quitting six months ago to hop right into another job. A job that may have looked great and been great, but I would have been the same, unhappy person. I don't need "another" job, but I do need a change of heart. I truly believe that people don't take enough time to heal themselves of their hurts so they become these "wounded healers" themselves. So I've taken the past six months off to just "hang" on to God because I have nothing to give until I get healthy and whole inside first.

My grandma, Dee Dee, sent me a few meditations that she had read and made her think of me. I read from one today and I think it fits perfectly to what God is teaching me and revealing to me in my life:

(In reference to Luke 10:41 - Jesus and Martha)

"...No, he wanted her to see that she had allowed anxiety and stress to control her more than simplicity and love. He wanted her to see that she lost her temper because she had lost her perspective. Jesus wants to speak to us just as he spoke to Martha. He wants to invite us to sit with him and receive his abundant love. At the same time, he wants to give us energy for the work he's called us to. May we all eat the Bread of life and then go out and give away what God has given us!"

Do you need to slow down and rest in Him?

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