I'm going back to Ethiopia! I'm excited for so many reasons, but I'm most excited to see how God has brought it all together thus far and even more excited to see how he will continue to work and make things happen.
You want a
little back story? Well, even if you said "no", get over it, because I said a
"little"...I'm not going to share all the nitty gritty. (I'll save that for a later post).
I knew I had to go back to Africa. God told me. Oh, don't look at me like that (with that crazy look on your face). He started speaking to my heart about Africa years ago (see
Post #1and I always prayed that if he wanted me to travel back then to never let the fire go out in my heart. So, the fire never went out...God spoke to me. :) See
Post #1 to see how I felt in April of this year.
For months, I've researched, applied, interviewed, with countless organizations. But, mostly I've prayed. I prayed that God would give me a clear vision/goal of what he would want me to do and I kept coming back to clean water projects and unreached people and venture into places that are not appealing to most people.
In early April, my mom told me about her cousin (my second cousin), Tom and his wife Teresa Rieder, who have started their own project - Project Ethiopia and have committed to going to the Omo Region of Ethiopia and to live there for two years while working with the local church (Kale Heywet) of Southern Ethiopia. They are going there to work and minister and, ultimately, drill a well in
Turmi, Ethiopia.
I was in contact with Tom for months while I was still applying with other organizations. Looking back, it seems so apparent that I should be traveling with Tom and Teresa, but it took me a while to get there. I just put my trust in God and continued to ask him for guidance. One night in particular, I was talking to Matty K about feeling pulled in a couple different directions (possible travel with the AIM - Africa Inland Mission or with Tom) and Matty put it bluntly, "Jen, I think the choice is obvious."
was obvious. Matty K was right once again - thank you God for speaking some sense into me through Matty K! I emailed Tom and Teresa the next day. I was hoping that they would feel God leading them to accept me into their project just as much as I felt His hand guiding me. I received an email back from "T&T" (Tom and Teresa) and they accepted me with open arms.
Wow. I still can't get over how I got connected with a family member (whom I've never met face-to-face) who is passionate about clean water like I am and is taking "action" in a country that we both love. God keeps "wow-ing" me away with how much he provides in due time. There are so many more details to share about Project Ethiopia and how "T & T" have been blessed...how my sis-in-law, Lo, is joining. It's pretty cool "stuff".
Currently, I have plans to travel in March or April of 2011, but nothing set in stone (or even dirt) at this point since there are many other factors involved with the dates of travel. Lauren and I will be traveling for about 1 1/2-2 months and to assist T & T with Project Ethiopia since it will still be in its beginning phases.
But, for now, this is my 'phase 1' and I'll keep you updated on the different phases as they come.
Ambo, Ethiopia 2008
"What if it's worth it? Can we afford to wait for things to become easy?
I don't know what to do with this. God is calling me to something, but is it something this hard?
I have these feet and they can go even if they are not experienced.
But the question I'm asking is this:
Are they willing?
Willing to walk some of the Earth's most beautiful and devastated lands?
Willing to stand side-by-side with those of my African brothers and sisters?
Willing to be trashed in the process and one day be called beautiful?
Are my feet willing to move against the fear?
I don't know what to do with this, but there's one thing I do know:
I can no longer just walk away..."
- AIM On-Field Media
Romans 10:15 "...How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!"